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 What is Artificial Intelligence? (Beginners)

It can be defined as follows: Artificial Intelligence is a field of computer science whose goal is to recreate a technological equivalent to human intelligence. AI is not a technology in its own right but a set of technologies and tools.

A scientific discipline invented in 1955 by two mathematicians, John MacCathy and Marvin Lee Minsky.

"AI is the science of programming computers to perform tasks that require intelligence when performed by beings Human. »

                                                                            Marvin Lee Minsky


Artificial Intelligence (AI) consists of putting in place a number of techniques to enable machines to imitate a shape real intelligence, in particular adapting, learning, communicate and interact in a rich and varied way with their environment.

The goal is not to Replace people by machines but to add to the capabilities a possibility Unparalleled.

The Capacity of Intelligence Artificial is to analyze tremendous amounts of data and to detect trends that would otherwise be impossible to detect.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence

Intelligent behavior automation.

Machine Learning

Computer programs that allow machines to learn without being specifically programmed, in order to evolve on their own.

Deep Learning

Data model training that works like a neural network.


EaseUS AI Media Player is an AI-powered video player

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